Friday, February 28, 2020

PEMEX Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

PEMEX - Coursework Example The company comprises of four subsidiary entities that practices production, exploration, commercialization and transformation activities for natural gas and oil in the local and international markets (Blowfield, 2013; p. 67). The company also conducts refinery of crude oil and supplies petrochemicals on top of conducting business overseas via PMI Comercio Internacional. This paper explores the sustainability of the company in the global business with major focus on environmental sustenance and economic stability. The country has positioned to provide assurance of the distribution of primary energy products and has therefore input to considerable change and growth in Mexico. In order to guarantee that the company would proceed to contribute significantly to the development of the nation, the company created a business plan in 2010 where the strategies were approved. The government aims to transform and recognize the company as an efficient, safe, modern, profitable, sustainable, transparent and modern firm is set forward. Through the organization the government has established a business plan which is the result of an attempt to focus on the fundamental plans that deal with the major aspects integral to describe the course and objectives of the organization. The business plan can be summarized by the diagram below. In satisfying the company’s and government’s objectives the company has recognized four routes of actions with various specific strategies. These include the growth, corporate responsibility, efficiency and management modernization (Lourdes, 2012; p. 3). The society has so much expectations and attitudes towards the organization and its contribution to sustainability. As a major element of achievement, the society expects that the government through the company to transparently comprehend the effect of their activities at the economic, social and ecological

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